Gravipod® was created by Premier Tents, a family-owned company with a passion for the outdoors, located in beautiful Bellingham, Washington. We have been in business for over 32 years, and have seen many other outdoor gear manufacturers come and go.
We’ve learned that we make our customers happiest when we find the right balance between value and performance, and believe we’ve done this with our patent-pending Gravipod® weight bags, as well as our two lines of canopies. As the manufacturer, we can instantly test, modify, and retest our products until they are the best they can be.

Our dedication to perfecting our products for our customers is unwavering. We value and listen to each and every one of our customer’s comments to help in this process.
Whether you’re looking for the perfect Gravipod® for your portable gravity needs, or for custom printed tents, canopies, and more, the secure, easy-to-navigate ecommerce Shop at our Premier Tents website is the place to go. You’ll find every size and shape of Gravipod® we offer at the very best price. You are welcome to visit Gravipod® on to find your Gravipod® today!